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Songs That Are Spirit Filled (Gospel Songs For Your Soul)

As a child of God, we do our best to stay connected to Christ, and somedays the stress of the world distracts us to the point of us being detached from the Holy Spirit, and somedays the right songs will get us on the right track to get our lives in Christ back on the right track. I have curated songs that I know are filled with the Holy Spirit and can help you remember why you put your faith in Jesus and how much he loves you.  God bless you.   DISCLAIMER:  I hereby declare that I do not own the rights to any of these music/songs.   All rights belong to the owners.   No Copyright Infringement Intended. Zahriya Zachary - Back To Life Sunmisola Agbebi - B'Ola (Honor) The King Will Come - Yet RoyalTi - Loved Housefires - If I Could Have Anything Bethel Music, Brandon Lake - Graves into Gardens Steffany Gretzinger - No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus Elevation Worship - Praise RoyalTi - God Said Todd Gilbert ft Tasha Cobbs - Fear is Not My Future Naomi Raine - One Name CalledOut Music

Prayers of the Everyday Christian Woman

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the power of prayer. Often, we associate prayer with grand gestures or significant life events. However, the truth is that prayer is an essential part of the lives of everyday women. During their routines and responsibilities, these prayers become a source of strength, hope, and guidance. Today, we delve into the prayers of everyday women, celebrating the profound impact they have on their lives and the lives of those around them.   A Prayer for Strength In the early hours of the morning, as the sun rises, the everyday woman finds herself uttering a prayer for strength. She seeks the courage to tackle the challenges that lie ahead - the responsibilities at work, the demands of motherhood, and the obstacles she encounters in her personal life. Through this prayer, she finds the resilience to face adversity and emerge stronger, knowing that she is not alone in her struggles. Father in the name of Jesus, In the depths

Don't Give Up, There is Hope: The Importance of Community in Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts

Suicidal thoughts can be incredibly overwhelming and can make life feel unbearable. But it's important to remember that there is hope and that things can get better. If you're struggling with suicidal thoughts, know that you are not alone and that there are people who care about you and want to help. Life is a precious gift from God, and it's never too late to turn to Him for help. The Bible reminds us that God has a plan for each of our lives and that He will never abandon us (Jeremiah 29:11). When we put our trust in Jesus, He transforms us from the inside out, giving us the strength and hopes we need to overcome even the toughest challenges. One of the most important things you can do when struggling with suicidal thoughts is to reach out to others for help. Having a supportive community can make all the difference in overcoming suicidal thoughts. This can be a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional. Talking to someone about what you're going th


Having faith in Christ and having goals in life may seem like two separate things, but in reality, they are closely aligned. When you have faith in Christ, you are trusting in a higher power and relying on Him for guidance and support. Goals, on the other hand, are the things you want to achieve in life, whether they be personal or professional.  Having faith in Christ and having goals in life go hand in hand. When you have faith in Christ, you are placing your trust in Him and living your life according to His will which gives you a sense of purpose and direction in life and helps you understand your goals and work towards achieving them. Your faith and guidance of the Holy Spirit sees you through making decisions and allow you to stay on the right path, which is very important when pursuing your goals. Having faith in Christ and pursuing your goals both require discipline and perseverance. When you have faith, you need to be disciplined in your walk with Christ and persevere in your

Find Your Peace in Christ: The Power of Faith in Difficult Times

In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, it can be challenging to find peace. But what if I told you that there is a source of peace that is unshakable and always available, no matter what life may bring? This source of peace is Jesus Christ, and the key to unlocking it is faith. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and that He offers us peace in the midst of life's storms (John 14:27). When we put our faith in Jesus, He transforms us from the inside out, giving us the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). This peace is not based on our circumstances or the state of the world around us, but rather on our relationship with God through Christ. It's easy to say that we have faith, but what does that look like in practice? Faith in Jesus means putting our trust in Him, even when things are difficult. It means turning to Him for comfort and strength when life gets overwhelming. It means trusting that He is in control, even when it

Unwavering Resilience and Steadfast Faith

  Sometimes, life can feel very lonely, but I promise you are not alone. You are stronger than you think: It's easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged when faced with obstacles, but it's important to remember that you are stronger than you think. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and develop your resilience. Embrace the difficulties and use them as a stepping stone to becoming the better and more determined person God made you be. Don't be afraid to ask for help: It's okay to ask for help when you need it. No one can succeed in life on their own, and seeking the support of others can make all the difference. Whether it's a family member, friend, mentor, or counselor, don't be afraid to reach out to someone who can offer you guidance and encouragement because when two or three are gathered, God is there. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small: It's easy to get caught up in the end goal and forget to celebrate your progress along the way. Take


We all go through things in life, and we all have had things that we are asking God to heal us from. Too much of anything isn't good for you. We all have things that are not necessarily good for us which we use as a coping mechanism, and drinking is one of the biggest things that are the easiest things to get addicted to, of course, its not our intention to overdo it, but when you get too comfortable, sitting in poop, it no longer smells as bad. Of course, you can drink nothing is stopping you. Self-control and the Holy Spirit go hand in hand, knowing the line and not crossing it can only be taught by the Holy Spirit. Here are 7 Reasons Why Drinking Should be minimal: Drunkenness goes against biblical teachings of self-control and sobriety. (1 Corinthians 6:10) Drinking to excess can lead to poor decisions and actions that conflict with Christian values such as love, kindness, and respect. (Galatians 5:19-21) Drinking can cause harm to oneself and others, which is contrary to the c


  Life is a precious gift and is worth living for many reasons, especially from a Christian perspective.  The first reason is that as believers, we understand that we are created in God's image and He has a purpose and plan for our lives. This knowledge gives us a sense of significance and meaning in our existence. Another reason why life is worth living is the love that we receive and can give to others. God's love for us is unconditional and limitless and we can experience and share that love with those around us. Through relationships and serving others, we can find joy and fulfillment in life. In addition, as Christians, we have the hope of eternal life in heaven with God. This hope gives us strength and comfort during difficult circumstances and helps us to persevere through life's challenges. It also gives us a perspective that transcends this world and allows us to see beyond our current difficulties to the glorious future that awaits us in our fathers' house. Ul